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CAS # 118-74-1

Struktur und Eigenschaften der Verbindung

Schmelzpunkt231 °C, 504 °K, 448 °F
Siedepunkt323-326 °C
Dichte2.04 g/cm3
Die obigen Daten stammen aus: ChemSpider und Wikipedia


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Benzene, hexachloro-; Perchlorobenzene; Amatin; Anticarie; Bunt-cure; Bunt-no-more; Co-op Hexa; HCB; Julin's Carbon chloride; No Bunt; No Bunt Liquid; No Bunt 40; No Bunt 80; Pentachlorophenyl chloride; Sanocide; Snieciotox; 1,2,3,4,5,6-Hexachlorobenzene; Julen's carbon chloride; Hexa c.b.; Hexachlorbenzol; Smut-Go; Ceku C.B.; Esaclorobenzene; Granox nm; Rcra waste number U127; Saatbeizfungizid; Sanocid; Julian's carbon chloride; Julin's chloride; Phenyl perchloryl; Hexcachlorbenzen; Hexachlorobenzene; Hexachlorobenzène

Verwandte Produkte

8270 MegaMix Standard, 1000 μg/mL, Methylenchlorid, 1 mL/Ampulle
GC Multipestizid Standard Kit
SVOC MegaMix 100 Kit: 1 mL/Ampulle; 3 Ampullen/Kit
DL152/06 Chlorobenzenes Standard, 100 µg/mL, P&T Methanol, 1 mL/ampul
508.1 Kalibriermix #2, 500 µg/mL, Ethylacetat, 1 mL/Ampulle
MegaMix Standard für halbflüchtige Stoffe, EPA-Methode 625, 1000 μg/mL, Methylenchlorid, 1 mL/Ampulle
SOM01.1 SVOA MegaMix Standardkit
FAPAS Serie 5 OC-Pestizid Mix Nr. 2. Aceton, 1 mL/Ampulle
CLP 04.1 B/N MegaMix Standardkit
Methode 525.2 Gemisch halbflüchtiger Substanzen (revidiert), Aceton, 1 mL/Ampulle


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Semivolatiles SVOC MegaMix 150 Kit on Rxi-SVOCms
Semivolatiles on Rxi-SVOCms
Semivolatiles Analysis on Rxi-SVOCms
Comparison of Conventional vs. LPGC-MS Pesticides Analysis
200+ Pesticides in Strawberry on Low-Pressure GC Column Kit
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Semivolatiles on Rxi-5Sil MS by U.S. EPA Method 8270 Using the GC Accelerator Kit and Split Injection with a 120 V GC Oven
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