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Isopropyl alcohol

CAS # 67-63-0

Struktur und Eigenschaften der Verbindung

Schmelzpunkt-89 °C, 184 °K, -128 °F
Siedepunkt82.5 °C, 356 °K, 181 °F
Dichte0.786 g/cm3 (20 °C)
Löslichkeit in Wassermiscible
Die obigen Daten stammen aus: ChemSpider und Wikipedia


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Isopropyl Alcohol; 2-Propanol; sec-Propyl Alcohol; Alcojel; Alcosolve 2; Avantin; Avantine; Combi-Schutz; Dimethylcarbinol; Hartosol; Imsol A; Isohol; Isopropanol; Lutosol; Petrohol; Propol; PRO; Takineocol; 1-Methylethyl Alcohol; iso-C3H7OH; 2-Hydroxypropane; Propane, 2-hydroxy-; sec-Propanol; Propan-2-ol; i-Propylalkohol; Alcohol, rubbing; Alcolo; Alcool isopropilico; Alcool isopropylique; Alkolave; Arquad DMCB; iso-Propylalkohol; Isopropyl alcohol, rubbing; IPA; Lavacol; Visco 1152; Alcosolve; Chromar; i-Propanol; 2-Propyl alcohol; Spectrar; Sterisol hand disinfectant; (-)-2,3-O-Isopropyl alcohol; Alcohol; Alcowipe; I.P.S.; n-Propan-2-ol; Rubbing alcohol; Sec-propyl; Sterets pre-injection swabs

Verwandte Produkte

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Restlösemittel Klasse 3 – Mix A (2020 Rev), 5000 µg/mL in N,N-DMF (N,N-Dimethylformamid), 1 mL/Ampulle
8260 MegaMix Kalibriermix, 2000 μg/mL in P&T Methanol, 1 mL/Ampulle
LC Multipestizid Standard Kit
VOC MegaMix 131 Kit, 1 mL/Ampulle, 10 Ampulle/Kit
Michigan/Missouri Residual Solvents Standard, 500-5000 µg/mL, 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene, 1 mL/ampul
Michigan/Missouri Residual Solvents Kit, 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene, 3 ampuls/kit
New York Residual Solvents Standard, 500-5000 µg/mL, 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene, 1 mL/ampul
New York Residual Solvents Kit, 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene, 3 ampuls/kit
524 Rev. 4.0 Volatile Organics Kit (2000 µg/mL)


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