EZGC & EZLC Online Software Suite


CAS # 106-99-0

Compound Structure and Properties

Molecular Weight54.0904
Melting Point-108.9 °C, 164.3 K, -164.0 °F
Boiling Point-4.4 °C, 269 °K, 24 °F
Density0.64 g/cm3 at -6 °C, liquid
Solubility in Water735 ppm
Data above sourced from: ChemSpider and Wikipedia

GC Mass Spectrum

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1,3-Butadiene; α,γ-Butadiene; trans-Butadiene; Biethylene; Bivinyl; Buta-1,3-diene; Butadiene; Divinyl; Erythrene; Pyrrolylene; Vinylethylene; (E)-CH2=CHCH=CH2; Butadieen; Buta-1,3-dieen; Butadien; Buta-1,3-dien; NCI-C50602; Butadiene * 1,3-Butadiene; CH2=CHCH=CH2; 1,3-Butadiène

Application Chromatograms

Expanded List of Volatile Organics by Purge & Trap on Rtx-VMS
Separation of Hydrocarbons using Hydrogen Carrier Gas on the Rt-Alumina/MAPD
Separation of Neopentane from Other C4 Hydrocarbons on the Rt-Alumina/MAPD
TO-15 (HJ759) + PAMS on Rt-Alumina BOND/MAPD (by FID) and Rxi-624Sil MS (by MS) using Deans Switch
Hydrocarbon Gases on Rt-Q-BOND
Refinery Gas on Rt-Q-BOND
NJ Low Level TO-15 75 Component Mix on Rtx-VMS (60 m, 40 °C start)
Refinery Gas on Rtx-DHA-100 (ASTM D2163)
Refinery Gas on Rt-Alumina BOND/Na2SO4 (ASTM D2163-14)
NJ Low Level TO-15 75 Component Mix on Rtx-VMS (30 m, 2.0 mL/min)