GC Chromatogram Modeler
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GC Method Translator & Flow Calculator
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GC Chromatogram Modeler
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LC Method Translator
CAS # 108-90-7
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Compound Structure and Properties
Molecular Weight
Melting Point
-45 °C, 228 °K, -49 °F
Boiling Point
131 °C, 404 °K, 268 °F
1.11 g/cm³, liquid
Solubility in Water
Data above sourced from:
GC Mass Spectrum
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Benzene, chloro-; Chlorobenzene; Monochlorobenzene; MCB; Phenyl Chloride; Benzene chloride; Chlorbenzene; Chlorobenzol; Monochlorbenzene; Chloorbenzeen; Chlorbenzol; Chlorobenzen; Chlorobenzene, mono-; Clorobenzene; Monochloorbenzeen; Monochlorbenzol; Monoclorobenzene; NCI-C54886; Chlorobenzenu; Abluton T30; UN 1134; CP 27; IP Carrier T 40; NSC 8433; Tetrosin SP; Chlorobenzène
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