EZGC & EZLC Online Software Suite


CAS # 133-06-2

Compound Structure and Properties

Molecular Weight300.5893
Melting Point178 °C (dec.)
Boiling PointN/A
Density1.74 g/cm3
Data above sourced from: ChemSpider and Wikipedia

GC Mass Spectrum

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Captan; Aacaptan; Amercide; Captaf; Captaf 85W; Captan 50W; Captex; Esso fungicide 406; Flit 406; Fungus Ban Type II; Glyodex 37-22; Kaptan; Malipur; Neracid; Orthocide; Orthocide 406; Orthocide 50; Orthocide 7.5; Orthocide 83; Ortocid 50; Stauffer captan; SR 406; Vancide 89; Vancide 89RE; Vangard K; Captane; ENT 26,538; Le captane; Merpan; NCI-C00077; Orthocid-83; Vondcaptan; Agrosol S; Agrox 2-way and 3-way; Bangton; Bean seed protectant; Captab; Captancapteneet 26,538; Granox pfm; Gustafson captan 30-dd; Hexacap; Micro-check 12; Osocide; Vancide P-75; Vanguard K; Vanicide; Perovex; Palonyl; Trimegol; Captan granular