GC Chromatogram Modeler
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CAS # 142-82-5
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Compound Structure and Properties
Molecular Weight
Melting Point
-91--90 °C, 182.2-183 °K, -132--130 °F
Boiling Point
98-99 °C, 371.2-371.8 °K, 208-210 °F
679.5 mg mL
log P
Data above sourced from:
GC Mass Spectrum
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Heptane; n-Heptane; Dipropylmethane; Heptyl hydride; Skellysolve c; n-C7H16; Eptani; Heptan; Heptanen; Gettysolve-C; Aliphatic hydrocarbon; Exxsol heptane; C7; NSC 62784
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