EZGC & EZLC Online Software Suite


CAS # 35554-44-0

Compound Structure and Properties

Molecular Weight297.1798
Melting Point52.7 °C, 326 °K, 127 °F
Boiling Point448.5 °C, 722 °K, 839 °F
Density1.23 g/mL
Solubility in Water0.18 g/L
Data above sourced from: ChemSpider and Wikipedia

GC Mass Spectrum

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Imazalil; Enilconazole; Chloramizol; Eniloconazol; Fungaflor; R 23979; Bromazil; Clinafarm; Deccozil; Fecundal; Florasan; Freshguard; Fungazil; Imaverol; Magnate; Rappor plus; Imazalil (enilconazole)

Application Chromatograms

Fast Analysis of QuEChERS Performance Standards Kit on LPGC Rtx-5ms (10 m)
Comparison of Conventional and LPGC-MS Analysis of QuEChERS Performance Standards
New York Pesticides on Raptor ARC-18 by LC-MS/MS
New York Pesticides on Rxi-5ms
Arizona Pesticides on Rxi-5ms
Oregon Pesticides on Raptor ARC-18 by LC-MS/MS
Arizona Pesticides on Raptor ARC-18 by LC-MS/MS
Arizona Pesticides on Rxi-5ms
Oregon Pesticides on Rxi-5ms
California Cannabis Pesticides and Mycotoxins in Dried Hemp on Raptor ARC-18