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Cetyl alcohol

CAS # 36653-82-4

Compound Structure and Properties

Molecular Weight242.4406
Melting Point49 °C, 322 °K, 120 °F
Boiling Point344 °C, 617 °K, 651 °F
Density0.811 g/cm³
Solubility in WaterInsoluble
Data above sourced from: ChemSpider and Wikipedia

GC Mass Spectrum

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1-Hexadecanol; n-Cetyl alcohol; n-Hexadecan-1-ol; n-Hexadecanol; n-1-Hexadecanol; Adol 52; Adol 52 NF; Adol 54; Aldol 54; Alfol 16; Atalco C; Cachalot C-51; Cachalot C-52; Cetaffine; Cetal; Cetalol CA; Cetanol; Cetylic alcohol; Cetylol; Crodacol C; Crodacol-CAS; Crodacol-CAT; Elfacos C; Ethal; Ethol; Hexadecanol; Hexadecyl alcohol; Hyfatol 16; Lanol C; Lorol 24; Loxanol K; Loxanol K extra; Loxanwachs SK; Palmityl alcohol; Product 308; Siponol wax-A; Siponol CC; 1-Hexadecyl alcohol; Alcohol c-16; Hexadecan-1-ol; n-Hexadecyl alcohol; 1-Hydroxyhexadecane; Adol 520; Cachalot C-50; CO-1670; CO-1695; Dytol F-11; Cachalot C-50 NF; Ceraphyl ICA; Cetyl alcohol NF

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