EZGC & EZLC Online Software Suite


CAS # 52315-07-8

Compound Structure and Properties

Molecular Weight416.2972
Data above sourced from: ChemSpider

GC Mass Spectrum

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Cypermethrin; Aimcocyper; Arrivo; Barricade; Basathrin; CCN52; Cymbush; Cymperator; Cynoff; Cyper; Cypercopal; Cyperguard; Cyperkill; Cyperscet; Cypersect; Cypertox; Demon; Fenom; Flectron; Fligene CI; FMC 30980; FMC 45806; Folcord; Halt; Imperator; Kafil; LE 79600; NRDC 149; Nurelle; Polytrin; PP 383; Prevail; Ralothrin; Ripcord; Sherpa; Siperin; Stockade; Toppel; Ustaad; WL 43467; Cypermethrine

Application Chromatograms

New York Pesticides on Rxi-5ms
Arizona Pesticides on Rxi-5ms
Oregon Pesticides on Raptor ARC-18 by LC-MS/MS
Arizona Pesticides on Raptor ARC-18 by LC-MS/MS
Arizona Pesticides on Rxi-5ms
Oregon Pesticides on Rxi-5ms
California Cannabis Pesticides and Mycotoxins in Dried Hemp on Raptor ARC-18
GC-Amenable Pesticides Regulated by California in Dried Hemp on Rxi-5ms
Canadian Pesticide Standards on Raptor ARC-18
California Cannabis Pesticides and Mycotoxins in Chocolate on Raptor ARC-18