EZGC & EZLC Online Software Suite


CAS # 563-12-2

Compound Structure and Properties

Molecular Weight384.4761
Melting Point-12.2 °C, 261 °K, 10 °F
Boiling Point150 °C, 423 °K, 302 °F
Density1.22 gm/mL
Data above sourced from: ChemSpider and Wikipedia

GC Mass Spectrum

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Ethion; Diethion; Ethopaz; ENT 24,105; Fosfatox E; Hylemax; Hylemox; Niagara 1240; Nialate; Phosphotox E; Rhodocide; Rodocid; Rodocide; RP 8167; AC 3422; Bladan; Embathion; Ethanox; Ethiol; Ethion mixture; Ethodan; FMC-1240; Fosfono 50; Itopaz; Kwit; NIA 1240; Rhodiacide; Soprathion; RP-Thion; Vegfru-fosmite