EZGC & EZLC Online Software Suite


CAS # 57-74-9

Compound Structure and Properties

Molecular Weight409.7786
Melting Point106 °C, 379 °K, 223 °F
Boiling Point175 °C, 448 °K, 347 °F
Density1.60 g/cm3
Solubility in Water5.6 g/100 mL
Data above sourced from: ChemSpider and Wikipedia


Chlordane; Belt; Chlor Kil; Chlordan; Chlorindan; Corodane; Cortilan-neu; CD 68; Dichlorochlordene; Dowchlor; ENT-9932; HCS 3260; Kypchlor; M 140; Octa-Klor; Octachlor; Oktaterr; Ortho-Klor; Synklor; Tat Chlor 4; Toxichlor; Velsicol 1068; γ-Chlordan; Chlor kill; Chlorodane; Clordan; Ent-25,552-x; M 410; Niran; NCI-C00099; Shell sd-5532; SD 5532; Topiclor; Aspon-chlordane; Chlortox; Clordano; Kilex lindane; Latka 1068; NA 2762; OMS 1437; Rcra waste number U036; Starchlor; Unexan-koeder; Termi-ded; Topichlor 20; Topiclor 20; Steraskin; 1068 Steral; Intox; Syndane

Application Chromatograms