EZGC & EZLC Online Software Suite


CAS # 64-17-5

Compound Structure and Properties

Molecular Weight46.0684
Melting Point-114 °C, 159 °K, -173 °F
Boiling Point78.37 °C, 352 °K, 173 °F
Density0.789 g/cm3 (at 20°C)
log P-0.18
Data above sourced from: ChemSpider and Wikipedia

GC Mass Spectrum

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Hover over end of line for value.


Ethanol; Ethyl alcohol; Alcohol; Alcohol anhydrous; Algrain; Anhydrol; Denatured ethanol; Ethyl hydrate; Ethyl hydroxide; Jaysol; Jaysol S; Methylcarbinol; SD Alchol 23-hydrogen; Tecsol; C2H5OH; Absolute ethanol; Cologne spirit; Fermentation alcohol; Grain alcohol; Molasses alcohol; Potato alcohol; Aethanol; Aethylalkohol; Alcohol, dehydrated; Alcohol, diluted; Alcool ethylique; Alcool etilico; Alkohol; Cologne spirits; Denatured alcohol CD-10; Denatured alcohol CD-5; Denatured alcohol CD-5a; Denatured alcohol SD-1; Denatured alcohol SD-13a; Denatured alcohol SD-17; Denatured alcohol SD-23a; Denatured alcohol SD-28; Denatured alcohol SD-3a; Denatured alcohol SD-30; Denatured alcohol SD-39b; Denatured alcohol SD-39c; Denatured alcohol SD-40m; Etanolo; Ethanol 200 proof; Ethyl alc; Etylowy alkohol; EtOH; NCI-C03134; Spirits of wine; Spirt

Application Chromatograms

Rye Whiskey on Rtx-1301
Rye Whiskey on Rtx-1301
Marsala on Rtx-1301
Irish Whiskey on Rtx-1301
Sherry on Rtx-1301
Brandy on Rtx-1301
Rum on Rtx-1301
Custom Beverage Analysis Mix on Rtx-1301
Irish Whiskey on Rtx-1301
Brandy on Rtx-1301