EZGC & EZLC Online Software Suite


CAS # 67-56-1

Compound Structure and Properties

Molecular Weight32.0419
Melting Point-97.6 °C, 176 °K, -144 °F
Boiling Point64.7 °C, 338 °K, 148 °F
Density0.7918 g/cm3
log P-0.69
Data above sourced from: ChemSpider and Wikipedia

GC Mass Spectrum

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Hover over end of line for value.


Methyl Alcohol; Methanol; Carbinol; Methyl hydroxide; Methylol; Monohydroxymethane; Wood alcohol; CH3OH; Colonial spirit; Columbian spirit; Hydroxymethane; Wood naphtha; Alcool methylique; Alcool metilico; Columbian spirits; Metanolo; Methylalkohol; Metylowy alkohol; Pyroxylic spirit; Wood spirit; Rcra waste number U154; Pyro alcohol; Spirit of wood; Bieleski's solution; NSC 85232; UN 1230; Méthanol; MeOH

Application Chromatograms

Irish Whiskey on Rtx-1301
Brandy on Rtx-1301
New York Residual Solvents on Rxi-624Sil MS
Michigan/Missouri Residual Solvents on Rxi-624Sil MS
BAC Resolution Control Standard t-Butanol on Rtx-BAC Plus1
BAC Resolution Control Standard t-Butanol on Rtx-BAC Plus 2
BAC Resolution Control Standard n-Propanol on Rtx-BAC1
BAC Resolution Control Standard n-Propanol on Rtx-BAC2
Solvents on Rt-U-BOND
Triple-Phase SPME Arrow vs. Triple-Phase SPME Fiber