EZGC & EZLC Online Software Suite

Merphos oxide

CAS # 78-48-8

Compound Structure and Properties

Molecular Weight314.5109
Data above sourced from: ChemSpider

GC Mass Spectrum

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B-1,776; Butiphos; Chemagro B-1776; De-Green; DEF; DEF Defoliant; Fos-Fall 'A'; Fosfall; S,S,S-Tributyl trithiophosphate; TBTP; Butifos; Butyl phosphorotrithioate; Chemagro 1,776; E-Z-OFF D; Ortho phosphate defoliant; S,S,S-Tributyltrithiofosfat; Deleaf defoliant; Easy off-D; Folex 6EC; Tribufos; Tribuphos; Tributylphosphorotrithioate; Merphos oxide