EZGC & EZLC Online Software Suite


CAS # 90-12-0

Compound Structure and Properties

Molecular Weight142.1971
Melting Point-22 °C, 251 °K, -8 °F
Boiling Point-3 °C, 270 °K, 221 °F
Density1.001 g/mL
Data above sourced from: ChemSpider and Wikipedia

GC Mass Spectrum

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Hover over end of line for value.


Naphthalene, 1-methyl-; α-Methylnaphthalene; 1-Methylnaphthalene; Methyl-1-naphthalene; 1-Méthylnaphthalène; 1-Metilnaftalene; 1-Methylnaphtalene

Application Chromatograms

Expanded List of Volatile Organics by Purge & Trap on Rtx-VMS
Semivolatiles SVOC MegaMix 100 Kit on Rxi-SVOCms
Semivolatiles SVOC MegaMix 150 Kit on Rxi-SVOCms
Semivolatiles on Rxi-SVOCms
Priority PAH Pollutants on Rxi-SVOCms (SIM)
Complex Mixture of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons from Coal Tar on Rxi-SVOCms (SIM)
Semivolatiles Analysis on Rxi-SVOCms
Determination Of Hydrocarbon Group Type in Gasoline on Rxi-1ms by GC-VUV (ASTM D8071)
Semivolatiles on Rxi-5Sil MS by U.S. EPA Method 8270 Using the GC Accelerator Kit and Split Injection with a 208 V GC Oven
Semivolatiles on Rxi-5Sil MS by U.S. EPA Method 8270 Using the GC Accelerator Kit and Split Injection with a 120 V GC Oven