GC Chromatogram Modeler
LC Chromatogram Modeler
GC Method Translator & Flow Calculator
LC Method Translator
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GC Chromatogram Modeler
LC Chromatogram Modeler
GC Method Translator & Flow Calculator
LC Method Translator
CAS # 91-20-3
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Compound Structure and Properties
Molecular Weight
Melting Point
80.26 °C, 353 °K, 176 °F
Boiling Point
218 °C, 491 °K, 424 °F
1.14 g/cm³
Solubility in Water
Approximately 30 mg/L
Data above sourced from:
GC Mass Spectrum
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Naphthalene; Albocarbon; Dezodorator; Moth flakes; Naphthalin; Naphthaline; Naphthene; Tar camphor; White tar; Camphor tar; Moth balls; Naftalen; NCI-C52904; Mighty 150; Mighty rd1; Napthalene, molten; Rcra waste number U165; Naftaleno; Naphthalène; Naftalene; Naphtalene; UN 1334; UN 1334; UN 2304; UN 2304; NSC 37565; NSC 37565
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Application Chromatograms
EU Monitored PCBs and PAHs on Rxi-XLB
Expanded List of Volatile Organics by Purge & Trap on Rtx-VMS
Semivolatiles SVOC MegaMix 100 Kit on Rxi-SVOCms
Semivolatiles SVOC MegaMix 150 Kit on Rxi-SVOCms
Semivolatiles on Rxi-SVOCms
Priority PAH Pollutants on Rxi-SVOCms (SIM)
Complex Mixture of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons from Coal Tar on Rxi-SVOCms (SIM)
Semivolatiles Analysis on Rxi-SVOCms
TO-15 (HJ759) + PAMS on Rt-Alumina BOND/MAPD (by FID) and Rxi-624Sil MS (by MS) using Deans Switch
NJ Low Level TO-15 75 Component Mix on Rtx-VMS (60 m, 40 °C start)
NJ DEP EPH Aliphatics on Rxi-5Sil MS by Split Injection
MA DEP EPH Aromatics on Rxi-5Sil MS
NJ DEP EPH Aromatics on Rxi-5Sil MS
NJ DEP EPH Aliphatics on Rxi-5Sil MS
MA DEP EPH Aromatics on Rxi-5Sil MS by Split Injection
NJ DEP EPH Aromatics on Rxi-5Sil MS by Split Injection
Semivolatiles on Rxi-5Sil MS by U.S. EPA Method 8270 Using the GC Accelerator Kit and Split Injection with a 208 V GC Oven
Semivolatiles on Rxi-5Sil MS by U.S. EPA Method 8270 Using the GC Accelerator Kit and Split Injection with a 120 V GC Oven
16 Priority PAHs and Methylnaphthalenes on Rxi- 5Sil MS using the GC Accelerator Kit in a 208 V Oven
16 Priority PAHs and Methylnaphthalenes on Rxi-5Sil MS using the GC Accelerator Kit in a 120 V Oven
NJ Low Level TO-15 75 Component Mix on Rtx-VMS (30 m, 2.0 mL/min)
Select PAHs on Rxi-PAH (60 m x 0.25 mm x 0.10 µm)
Semivolatiles on Rxi-5ms (Split Injection)
EPA 8310 PAHs on Pinnacle II PAH by LC-UV
Detailed Hydrocarbon Analysis (DHA) on Rtx-DHA-100
Select Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) on Rxi-PAH (30 m x 0.25 mm ID x 0.10 µm df )
NIST SRM 1975, Diesel Particulate Extract, on Rxi-PAH
Accelerated Solvent Extraction of NIST SRM 1941b, Organics in Marine Sediment, on Rxi-PAH
Select Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) on Rxi-PAH
Semivolatiles on Rtx-5 with 5 m Integra-Guard by EPA Method 8270
25 µg/L 8260 MegaMix Revised on Rtx-VMS
40 ppb Volatiles in Drinking Water on Rtx-VMS by EPA Method 524.4
9-Minute Semivolatiles Analysis with Appendix IX on Rxi-5ms by U.S. EPA Method 8270D
Semivolatile Organics in Drinking Water on Rxi-5Sil MS by EPA Method 525.2
Semivolatiles With Appendix IX on Rxi-5ms by 8270D
TO-15 65 Component Mix on Rxi-1ms (60 m)
TO-15 65 Component Mix on Rtx-VMS (30 m, 2.0 mL/min)
Semivolatiles on Rxi-5Sil MS by U.S. EPA Method 8270 (Split Injection)
Semivolatile Organics on Rxi-5Sil MS by U.S. EPA Method 8270
TO-15 65 Component Mix on Rtx-VMS (30 m)
BTEX on Rtx-502.2
TO-15 65 Component Mix on Rxi-5Sil MS (30 m, 1.5 mL/min)
NIST SRM 2260a PAH Mix on Rxi-PAH
Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons US EPA Method 610 on Rtx-CLPesticides2
Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons US EPA Method 8100 on MXT-5
Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons US EPA Method 610 on Rtx-5
Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons US EPA Method 610 on Rtx-440
Semivolatiles US EPA Method 8270 on Rtx-5Sil MS
Semivolatile Organics US EPA Method 8270 on Rtx-5Sil MS
Volatile Organics US EPA Method 8260B on Rtx-VMS
Reformate on Rtx-1
Gasoline Aromatics on Rtx-1
Gasoline Aromatics on Rtx-1
EPA Method 524.2, Revision 4 Rtx-VMS
5 ppb Volatiles in Drinking Water on Rtx-VMS by EPA Method 524.3
TO-15 65 Component Mix on Rxi-624Sil MS (30 m)
TO-15 65 Component Mix on Rxi-1ms (30 m)
0.5 ng Semivolatile Organics with Appendix IX on Rxi-5Sil MS by U.S. EPA Method 8270
Benzalkonium Chloride Compounds on Ultra IBD
Semivolatile Organics w/Appendix IX on Rxi-5Sil MS by U.S. EPA Method 8270
PAHs and PCB Congeners on Rxi-XLB
EPA 8310 PAH Mix on Pinnacle II PAH (FLD)
EPA 8310 PAH Mix on Pinnacle DB PAH
Semivolatile Organics by EPA Method 8270 on Rxi-5Sil MS (30m, 0.25mm ID, 0.25 µm) w/Single Taper Liner packed with Semivolatiles Wool
EPA Method 524.2 on Rtx-502.2
Wisconsin GRO Mix, plus C12 on Rtx-502.2
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons on Rtx-50
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons on Rxi-17Sil MS
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons on Rxi-17
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons on Rxi-17 column
In-Line UHPLC Filters Protect Analytical Columns
Volatiles by EPA Method 8260 on Rxi-624Sil MS (30m, 0.25mm ID, 1.40µm)
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons on Rxi-17 (15m x 0.25mm x 0.25µm)
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons on Rxi-17Sil MS (15m x 0.25mm x 0.25µm)
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons by EPA Method 610 on Rxi-5ms
Semivolatiles on Rxi-5ms by EPA Method 525.2
EPA Method 610 Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons on Pinnacle DB PAH
QuEChERS Extract of NIST SRM 2974a Freeze-Dried Mussel Tissue (GCxGC contour plot)
Mass APH on Rxi-1ms
Detailed Hydrocarbons Analysis Rtx-DHA-100
NJDEP EPH Aromatics on Rtx-5
Volatile Organics by EPA 8260B on Rtx-VMS
Volatile Organics by EPA 8260B on Rtx-VMS
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons by EPA 610 on Rxi-5ms
Semivolatiles by EPA Method 8270 on Rxi-5Sil MS (30m, 0.25mm ID, 0.25 µm) w/Drilled Uniliner
Semivolatiles by EPA Method 8270 on Rxi-5Sil MS (30m, 0.25mm ID, 0.50µm)
Semivolatiles by EPA Method 8270 on Rxi-5Sil MS (20m, 0.18mm ID, 0.18µm)
Semivolatiles by EPA Method 8270 on Rxi-5Sil MS (20m, 0.18mm ID, 0.36µm)
Volatile Organics by EPA 8021 on Rtx-VRX
Volatile Organics by EPA Method 8260 (80ppb Standard) on Rtx-VMS
Volatile Organics by U.S. EPA Method 524.2 Revision IV on Rtx-VMS
Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons (VPH) Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection on Rtx-502.2
UltraShield UHPLC Filters Protect Analytical Columns
Fast Detailed Hydrocarbons Analysis (DHA) on Rtx-DHA-100/Rtx-5 DHA
Semivolatiles CLP Method on Rtx-5MS