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Methyl tert-butyl ether

CAS # 1634-04-4

Struttura e proprietà del composto

Peso molecolare88.1482
Formula molecolareC5H12O
Temperatura di fusione-109 °C, 164 °K, -164 °F
Temperatura di ebollizione55.2 °C, 328 °K, 131 °F
Densità0.7404 g/cm³
Solubilità in acqua26 g/L (20 °C)
Dati sopra originati da: ChemSpider e Wikipedia

Spettro di massa GC

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Propane, 2-methoxy-2-methyl-; Ether, tert-butyl methyl; tert-Butyl methyl ether; Methyl tert-butyl ether; 2-Methoxy-2-methylpropane; 2-Methyl-2-methoxypropane; tert-C4H9OCH3; Methyl t-butyl ether; MTBE; Methyl 1,1-dimethylethyl ether; Driveron; methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE); 1,1-Dimethylethyl methyl ether; t-Butyl methyl ether; Méthyl tert-butyl éther; Metil-ter-butil-etere

Prodotti correlati

Solventi residui di classe 3 – Mix A (Rev 2020), 5000 µg/mL in N,N-DMF (N,N-dimethylformamide), 1 mL/ampolla
Kit VOC MegaMix 131, 1 mL/ampolla, 10 ampolle/kit
DL152/06 Aromatic Compounds Standard, 1000 µg/mL, P&T Methanol, 1 mL/ampul
Standard MA VPH con surrogato, Rev. 1.1 (luglio 2004), 10.000 µg/mL in metanolo P&T, 1 mL/ampolla
Standard MegaMix VOA OLC 03.2, 2000 µg/mL cad. in metanolo P&T (m-xilene e p-xilene, 1000 µg/mL), 1 mL/ampolla
Miscela di aggiunta in matrice MA VPH con surrogato, Rev. 1.1 (luglio 2004), 50 µg/mL in metanolo P&T, 1 mL/ampolla
Kit volatili organici 524 Rev. 4.0 (2000 µg/mL)
Standard di metil-t-butil etere (MTBE), 2000 µg/mL, metanolo P&T, 1 mL/ampolla
Miscela di calibrazione 524 n° 8, 2000 µg/mL, metanolo P&T, 1 mL/ampolla
Standard MegaMix VOA di acqua potabile, 524.2 Rev. 4.1, 2000 µg/mL, metanolo P&T, 1 mL/ampolla

Cromatogrammi applicativi

Analysis of VOCs and Odors in Drinking Water via HS-SPME Arrow-GC-MS
Expanded List of Volatile Organics by Purge & Trap on Rtx-VMS
TO-15 (HJ759) + PAMS on Rt-Alumina BOND/MAPD (by FID) and Rxi-624Sil MS (by MS) using Deans Switch
Hexane, MTBE, and TBA on Rtx-VMS (60 m, 40 °C start)
NJ Low Level TO-15 75 Component Mix on Rtx-VMS (60 m, 40 °C start)
USP <467> Residual Solvents Class 3 MIx A on Rxi-624Sil MS
Simulated Distillation of Gasoline with Oxygenates on MXT-1 (ASTM D7096-16)
NJ Low Level TO-15 75 Component Mix on Rtx-VMS (30 m, 2.0 mL/min)
Detailed Hydrocarbon Analysis (DHA) on Rtx-DHA-100
40 ppb Volatiles in Drinking Water on Rtx-VMS by EPA Method 524.4