EZGC & EZLC Online Software Suite


CAS # 127-18-4


融点-19 °C, 254 °K, -2 °F
沸点121.1 °C, 394 °K, 250 °F
密度1.622 g/cm3
溶解度0.015 g/100 mL (20 °C)
から供給上のデータ: ChemSpider , Wikipedia




Tetrachloroethylene; Ethene, tetrachloro-; Ethylene, tetrachloro-; Ankilostin; Antisal 1; Didakene; Ethylene tetrachloride; Fedal-Un; Nema; Perchlorethylene; Perchloroethylene; Perclene; PerSec; Tetlen; Tetracap; Tetrachlorethylene; Tetrachloroethene; Tetraguer; Tetraleno; Tetropil; 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethylene; C2Cl4; Carbon bichloride; Carbon dichloride; Czterochloroetylen; ENT 1,860; Nema, veterinary; NCI-C04580; Perawin; Perchloorethyleen, per; Perchloraethylen, per; Perchlorethylene, per; Percloroetilene; PERC; Tetrachlooretheen; Tetrachloraethen; Tetracloroetene; Tetralex; Antisol 1; Dow-per; PER; Perchlor; Perclene D; Percosolve; Perk; Perklone; Rcra waste number U210; Tetravec; Tetroguer; Dilatin PT


8260 MegaMix Calibration Mix, 2000 µg/mL in P&T Methanol, 1 mL/ampul
VOC MegaMix 131 Kit, 1 mL/ampul, 10 ampuls/kit
TCLP VOA Mix, 2000 µg/mL, P&T Methanol:Water (90:10), 1 mL/ampul
8260 Volatile Organics Kit, (2000 µg/mL)
502.2 MegaMix Standard, 2000 µg/mL, P&T Methanol, 1 mL/ampul
8010A Calibration Mix #2, 2000 µg/mL, P&T Methanol, 1 mL/ampul
524 Rev. 4.0 Volatile Organics Kit (2000 µg/mL)
Alicat Whisper Flow Calibrator, Lab-Based, 0-50 SCCM, Monochrome Display, (requires power adaptor)
524 Rev. 4.0 VOA Kit #2 (2000 µg/mL)
624 Volatiles Kit


Analysis of VOCs and Odors in Drinking Water via HS-SPME Arrow-GC-MS
Expanded List of Volatile Organics by Purge & Trap on Rtx-VMS
TO-15 (HJ759) + PAMS on Rt-Alumina BOND/MAPD (by FID) and Rxi-624Sil MS (by MS) using Deans Switch
NJ Low Level TO-15 75 Component Mix on Rtx-VMS (60 m, 40 °C start)
NJ Low Level TO-15 75 Component Mix on Rtx-VMS (30 m, 2.0 mL/min)
25 µg/L 8260 MegaMix Revised on Rtx-VMS
40 ppb Volatiles in Drinking Water on Rtx-VMS by EPA Method 524.4
TO-15 65 Component Mix on Rxi-1ms (60 m)
TO-15 65 Component Mix on Rxi-5Sil MS (30 m)
TO-15 65 Component Mix on Rtx-VMS (30 m, 1.2 mL/min)