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CAS # 50-29-3

Compound Structure and Properties

Molecular Weight354.4863
Melting Point108.5 °C
Boiling Point260 °C (decomp.)
Density0.99 g/cm³
Data above sourced from: ChemSpider and Wikipedia

GC Mass Spectrum

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p,p'-DDT; Chlorophenothane; Aavero-extra; Agritan; Arkotine; Azotox; Azotox M-33; Bosan supra; Bovidermol; Chlorphenothan; Chlorphenotoxum; Citox; Clofenotan; Clofenotane; Deoval; Detox; Detoxan; Dibovin; Dicophane; Dodat; Dykol; DDT; Estonate; ENT-1506; Gesafid; Gesarol; Ivoran; Mutoxan; Neocid; Neocidol, Solid; Parachlorocidum; Pentachlorin; Penticidum; PEB1; Zerdane; 4,4'-DDT; Anofex; Chlorphenotane; Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane; Didigam; Didimac; Genitox; Guesarol; Gyron; Ixodex; Kopsol; Neocidol; NCI-C00464; Pentech; Ppzeidan

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