EZGC & EZLC Online Software Suite


CAS # 97-56-3

Compound Structure and Properties

Molecular Weight225.2890
Data above sourced from: ChemSpider

GC Mass Spectrum

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C.I. Solvent Yellow 3; o-Aminoazotoluene; o-AT; Brasilazina Oil Yellow R; C.I. 11160; C.I. 11160B; Fast Garnet GBC base; Fast Yellow AT; Fat Yellow B; Hidaco Oil Yellow; Oil Yellow; Oil Yellow AT; Oil Yellow C; Oil Yellow I; Oil Yellow 2R; Oil Yellow 21; Oil Yellow 2681; Organol Yellow 2T; OAAT; Somalia Yellow R; Sudan Yellow RRA; Toluazotoluidine; Tulabase Fast Garnet GB; Tulabase Fast Garnet GBC; 2-Methyl-4-[(o-tolyl)azo]aniline; 2',3-Dimethyl-4-aminoazobenzene; 4-(o-Tolylazo)-o-toluidine; 4-Amino-2',3-dimethylazobenzene; 4-Amino-3,2'-dimethylazobenzene; Fast garnet gbc base,CI 11160; o-Aato-amidoazotoluol; o-Aminoazotolueno; o-Aminoazotoluol; o-Tolueneazo-o-toluidine; o-Toluidine, 4-(o-tolylazo)-; o-Toluol-azo-o-toluidin; Aminoazotoluene; Azoic diazo component 4, base; AAT; Butter Yellow; Fast Oil Yellow; Oil Yellow A; Oil Yellow T; Waxakol Yellow NL; 2-Amino-5-azotoluene; 4'-Amino-2,3'-azotoluene; 5-(o-Tolylazo)-2-aminotoluene; o-Amidoazotoluol; Zlut rozpoustedlova 3; Oil Yellow GR